Madison County


Madison County Is Created

On Monday morning Madison County became a reality.

The map of Idaho is now changed, and grand old Fremont that has been noted for its large majorities, is now carved, and from its territory two new counties have been formed. For many years this condition has been the dream of many of our prominent citizens, and we are glad that the contention is all over so far as the dividing of Fremont County is concerned.

In accordance with the enabling act, the officers appointed by Governor Haines assemled in one of the rooms now being remodeled for the court house and took the oath of office, and immediatly commenced upon their duties. All of the officials were on hand.

As soon as the officials were qualified, J.K. Orme of Sugar City was elected chairman of the board of county commissioners. The new officials as sworn in Monday are as follows:
Commissioners -- J.K. Orme, John Taylor and R. G. Mickel.
Auditor -- John Hegsted.
Treasurer -- Harry Randall.
Sheriff -- I.N. Corey.
Probate Judge -- O.C. Dalby.
Superintendent of Schools -- L.T. Perry.
Assessor -- Conrad Walz.
S.P. Oldham of Sunnydell was appointed Deputy Auditor, and Cloy Nichols of Thornton was appointed Deputy Sheriff.

The offices for the officials are not in shape to be occupied, but will be within a short time.

The Clerk has arranged for temporary quarters in the back of the First national Bank, and can be found there at any time. The bank has donated the use of the room to the county. The remainder of the officials can be found in the front rooms of the old Commercial Club quarters, which have been remodeled for that purpose.

The commissioners will visit in St. Anthony one day this week, and will meet in regular session here next Monday.

The appointment of the Appraiser has not been made, but it is probably that R.G. Archibald will be the selection of the board.

The first set of officials for the new County of Madison are among its most capable and prominent men, and it is safe to say that the business of the county will be started off and looked after in a manner that would be a credit to any set of public men in an already established government where it is only necessary to go through the established routine. --Rexburg Standard.

Source: The Sugar City Times, Thursday, January 8, 1914

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